General Privacy Policy

Usertip Private Limited and its affiliates (“Usertip“, “we” or “us“) is committed to protecting the privacy of the users of its website at the address or any other website managed and controlled by Usertip (the “Site“) and its online products, including the Usertip Digital Adoption Platform™ (each a “Service” and collectively the “Services“).

A User may be either an entity which executed an agreement with Usertip or with Usertip’s resellers or distributors who provide Usertip’s Services (“Customer“) or Customer’s users of the Services (“End User(s)“) or visitors of the Site (collectively “Users” or “you“).

This Policy explains the types of information we may collect from you or that you may provide when you visit the Site or use the Services and our practices for collecting, using, maintaining, protecting, and disclosing that information, as well as your rights in determining what we do with the information that we collect and hold about you.

Please note: this Privacy Policy details Usertip’s practices for the Site and Services it offers separately. In order to have the full picture of our privacy practices, you need to read the relevant Section about the Services you are using together with the General Section.

  1. Usertip Digital Adoption Platform - For information about the privacy and data retention practices in connection with the Usertip System™ please click here .
  2. Usertip website - For information about the privacy and data retention practices in connection with the Site please click here.


Please refer to the specific Section(s) about the Site or Services you use or plan to use for a complete review of the relevant practices.


Usertip processes data fairly, lawfully, in a transparent manner and in accordance with individuals’ rights (as applicable). The use of information collected through our Services shall be limited to the purpose of providing the service for which our Client has engaged Usertip or, if collected through the website or other marketing means, to Usertip’s legitimate interests, where we have considered these are not overridden by your rights.

Usertip may process data of an End User on behalf of the Controller when the Controller obtains consent from an End User or when there is another basis for doing so under applicable law. For purposes of this Privacy Policy, a Controller may mean a Customer or anyone acting a Customer’s behalf or, Usertip (only in connection with information provided to it through the website or for marketing purposes). (the “Controller”), Customers who cause Usertip to process Personal Information of an End User are obligated to hold all appropriate consents (if applicable) and may only utilize the Services pursuant to applicable law. If you are an End User of the Services, please contact the Controller for additional detail. We may transfer Personal Information to companies that help us provide our Services. Transfers to subsequent third parties are covered by the service agreements with our Customers (the Controller). Furthermore, Usertip supports End Users’ rights under certain laws, to retrieve any information retained on our servers which relates to such End User. Usertip acknowledges that you may have the right to access your Personal Information. We have processes in place to accommodate an End User’s rights to delete data, amend erroneous data, access data and receive Personal Data or Sensitive Data in a machine readable commonly used format, all subject to reasonable technical restrains and abilities. For more information, please see the Section “Modification or Deletion of Data” under the applicable Site or Service Section. Usertip will never discriminate against any person based on his/hers exercising of their rights hereunder.

Personal Information or Personal Data is information by which an individual may be personally identified, including name, address, e-mail address, telephone number or any other information that is defined as Personal Information, Personal Data, or Personally Identifiable Information under an applicable law (hereinafter referred to as “Personal Information”).

Users are not obligated to provide us with any information by law. However, we require certain information in order to operate properly. Under some jurisdictions (such as under certain applicable E.U. legal frameworks or California Laws), a User has a right to withdraw its consent at any time and in some cases (subject to applicable laws) to request cessation of any collection of Personal Information. In such a case, the withdrawal will not affect the lawfulness of processing based on consent before its withdrawal but certain services may not function without certain information provided.

Please note that consent for the gathering and processing of data for one Service does not automatically mean that a User consents to the processing of data in connection with other Services. Controller should always make sure that the User’s consent is relevant, clear, valid, and to the extent reasonably possible, not “bundled” with any other written agreement (especially if required under applicable laws), unambiguous and if required under applicable law, affirmative and active (meaning not by virtue of any inaction).

Usertip aims to process only adequate, accurate and relevant data limited to the needs and purposes for which it is gathered. It also aims to store data for the time period necessary to fulfill the purpose for which the data is gathered. Usertip only collects data in connection with a specific legitimate purpose and only processes data in accordance with this Privacy Policy.


We do not knowingly collect or solicit information or data from children under the age of 13 or knowingly allow children under the age of 13 to register for the Usertip Service. If you are under 13, do not register or attempt to register for any of the Usertip Service or send any information about yourself to us. If we learn that we have collected or have been sent Personal Information or Personal Data from a child under the age of 13, we reserve the right to delete that Personal Information or Personal Data as soon as reasonably practicable. If you believe that we might have collected or been sent information from a child under the age of 13, please contact us at as soon as possible.


We take great care in implementing, enforcing and maintaining the security of our Services, Site and Users’ information. Usertip implements, enforces and maintains security policies to prevent the unauthorized or accidental access to or destruction, loss, modification, use or disclosure of Personal Information or Personal Data and to monitor compliance of such policies on an ongoing basis. Unless otherwise provided for, the information is hosted on the Amazon Cloud in Singapore which provides advanced security features and is compliant with the ISO 27001 standard. All information is stored with logical separation from information of other Customers. However, we do not guarantee that unauthorized access will never occur.

We use a combination of processes, technology and physical security controls to help protect Personal Information and Personal Data from unauthorized access, use, or disclosure. When Personal Information or Personal Data is transferred over the Internet, we encrypt it using Transfer Layer Security (TLS) encryption technology or similar technology. Each server is protected by a firewall, exposing it only to the minimum ports necessary. However, no security controls are 100% effective, and we cannot completely ensure or warrant the security of your Personal Information and Personal Data.

Unless otherwise agreed with the Customer and subject to applicable law, Usertip shall act in accordance with its policies to promptly notify Customer in the event that any Personal Information or Personal Data processed by Usertip on behalf of a Customer is lost, stolen, or where there has been any unauthorized access to it.

Usertip may share and use your personal information with third party vendors and hosting partners to provide the necessary hardware, software, networking, storage, and related technology required to run the Usertip Service. Where practical, we seek to obtain confidentiality agreements that are consistent with this Privacy Policy and that limit others’ use or disclosure of your Personal Information and Personal Information.


The terms of this Privacy Policy will govern the use of the Site and Service and any information collected in connection therewith, however, Usertip may amend or update this Privacy Policy from time to time. The most current version of this Privacy Policy will always be posted at

Usertip reserves the right to vary any of the terms and conditions of this agreement subject to written notice to be provided to Customers within thirty (30) days of the change. Should any dispute arise over the terms of the variation and in the event the changes adversely or unlawfully changes the material rights of End Users, Customer will have the right to terminate this Agreement by providing a written notice within thirty (30) days of the written notice of variation.

We will endeavor to provide notice of material changes to this policy on the homepage of the Site and/or via an e-mail. Otherwise, all other changes to this Privacy Policy are effective as of the stated “Last Revised” date and your continued use of the Site and/or Services will constitute your written acceptance of, and agreement to be bound by, the changes to the Privacy Policy.


If you have any questions (or comments) concerning this Privacy Policy, you are welcome to send us an email or otherwise contact us at the following address and we will make an effort to reply within a reasonable timeframe.

E.U. citizens have the right to lodge a complaint with a supervisory authority (Data Protection Authority in your jurisdiction) in case of a breach of any E.U. data protection and privacy regulations. If the supervisory authority fails to deal with a complaint or inform you within the time frame set under applicable law, you have the right to an effective judicial remedy.

Please do not hesitate to contact us at:

  • Usertip Private Limited
  • 1 Jln Kilang Timor,
  • #08-03 Pacific Tech Centre
  • Singapore 159303


Please refer to the specific Section(s) about the Site or Services you use or plan to use for a complete review of the relevant practices.